PC Direct 1997 April
PC Direct CD-ROM (April 1997).iso
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10_CODES.ZIP 2716 SWH001 List of the Metro Radio System (MRS)
"10-codes" used on the Boston Area
Notification Net repeater (162.725 MHz).
Operated by a fire "buff" club to alert
each other to fires, police activity and
other public safety emergencies in the
Metro Boston area. Dir 30
40MBEAM.ZIP 7141 SWH001 A Feasible Full-size 40 meter beam by Frank
Kamp, K5DKZ (HAM).
AIRNOV93.ZIP 64762 SWH001 Aviation shortwave frequencies in 1-2-3 and
ASCII. ICAO channels updated.
AMSAT351.ZIP 5604 SWH001 AMSAT Bulletin # 351 12/18/93
AMSAT359.ZIP 7856 SWH001 Amsat Bulletin #359 12/26/93
AMSAT361.ZIP 665 SWH001 Amsat Bulletin #361 12/27/93
ANART787.ZIP 4618 SWH001 ANART Bulletin 785 11/29/93
ANART790.ZIP 6397 SWH001 ANART Bulletin #790 12/19/93
for 50mhz & up based on the work of Gunter
Hock, DL6WU. Also designs T-match, coax
baluns, & provides sources of materials.
By WA2TIF, K1DPP, & W1JOT. Written in Basic
APLOT535.ZIP 77335 SWH001 Antenna Pattern prediction program for
antennas side-mounted on towers. Pretty
APRS307B.ZIP 612566 SWH001 Automatic Packet Reporting Syatem
APRS309.ZIP 640537 SWH001 Amateur Packet reporting System by WB4APR.
A program for Ham radio packet that can
show/ track stationary or moving stations
on maps at local, state, and national
levels, as well as a global map. with docs
ARLB114.ZIP 501 SWH001 ARRL Bulletin 11/24/93
ARLB119.ZIP 516 SWH001 ARRL Bulletin 12/23/93
ARLB120.ZIP 1813 SWH001 Vanity Call Signs - 12/30/93
ARLB121.ZIP 969 SWH001 Callsign plan cancelled 12/30/93
ARLB122.ZIP 489 SWH001 W1AW cosed 12/31/93
ARLD064.ZIP 2967 SWH001 ARRL DX Bulletin 11/24/93
ARLD070.ZIP 2580 SWH001 ARRL DX Bulletin 12/23/93
ARLD071.ZIP 2399 SWH001 ARRL DX Bulletin 12/30/93
ARLK049.ZIP 2897 SWH001 ARRL Keps 11/27/93
ARLK053.ZIP 2757 SWH001 ARRL Keps 12/118/93
ARLK054.ZIP 2742 SWH001 Keplerian Data 12/28/93
ARLK055.ZIP 2743 SWH001 Keplerian Data 01/01/94
ARLP047.ZIP 1726 SWH001 ARRL Propagation Bulletin 11/24/93
ARLP050.ZIP 1018 SWH001 ARRL Propagation Bulletin 12/17/93
ARLP052.ZIP 2471 SWH001 ARRL Propagation Bulletin 12/31/93
ARLS064.ZIP 956 SWH001 ARRL Satellite Bulletin 11/08/93
ARLX023.ZIP 1769 SWH001 ARRL Special Bulletin 11/18/93
ARRL1026.ZIP 9331 SWH001 ARRL Newsletter 10/26/93
ARRL1111.ZIP 10921 SWH001 ARRL Newsletter 11/11/93
ARRL1129.ZIP 9232 SWH001 ARRL Newsletter 11/29/93
ARRL1214.ZIP 8393 SWH001 ARRL Newsletter 12/14/93
BULGARIA.ZIP 606 SWH001 Radio Bulgaria SWBC Sked 09/26/93 03/26/94
DISCONE1.ZIP 5854 SWH001 How to build a Discone Antenna by K5DKZ.
DOCS515B.ZIP 34362 SWH001 User Docs for FBB 5.15B Packet BBS.
DXHUMR23.ZIP 6209 SWH001 HAM Technical Stuff.
FCC2BETA.ZIP 369686 SWH001 FCC Frequency Retrieval System, Ver 2.0B
ScanWare Associates's promotional BETA
release or our database management
system for the FCC Public Service
Frequency Databases. Includes police,
fire, ambulance, emergency, land
transportation, business, marine, taxi,
broadcast, pagers and many, many others.
Allows you to: Browse, Search, Scan,
Query, View, Add, Edit, Delete, Filter,
Sort, or output to Screen, Disk,
Database or Print. Supports CGA, EGA,
VGA or Mono and is fully configurable.
Supports multiple Drives and/ or Paths.
Complete on-line Help. Registered
version includes program and FCC
database for any state in the US. If
you are a scanner buff or into amateur
radio, get this one. A very
comprehensive and configurable frequency
management system.
FM.ZIP 293599 SWH001 Frequency Manager for Windows 3.1 -
organize and manage radio frequency lists.
HAMCOM.ZIP 76048 SWH001 Packet program for pk232 w/voice
HCALL110.ZIP 10285 SWH001 HAMCALL.PPE, v1.10 Callsign Server, is an
addition to PCBoard v15.0 giving users
access to the SAM Amateur Radio Callsign
Database. Supports ANSI and Non-ANSI
terminals. Requires the SAM Amateur Radio
Callsign Database and uses the SAM
supplied SAMLOGIC.EXE as the interface to
SAM for super fast lookups. Hamcall v1.10
written by Bill Shryock, WD0GRC.
HLOG222E.ZIP 351225 SWH001 HYPERLOG, an excellent amateur radio
logging program.
JNOS109.ZIP 172180 SWH001 Latest Version JNOS 109
KUIER.ZIP 14055 SWH001 This ZIP file contains a list of English
Language shortwave broadcasts. It was
compiled by Andreas Volk.
LOG9310.ZIP 35869 SWH001 Of special interest to Medium Wave DXers:
Report on 10-93 DXpedition to NFLD by
well-known MW DXer Mark Connelly WA1ION.
LOG9312A.ZIP 5563 SWH001 Of special interest to Medium Wave DXers:
Report by well-known MW DXer Mark Connelly
WA1ION of what was heard on a recent
expedition to Rockport MA. Lots of great
listings of European & African MW stations.
LOG9312C.ZIP 4842 SWH001 More Medium Wave radio stations logged my
well-known MW DXer Mark Connelly WA1ION
from Billerica MA over the Xmas holidays
LOGEQF52.ZIP 267313 SWH001 LOG-EQF v5.27 <ASP>
Amateur Radio Logging Program- Log-EQF is
the total control center for Amateur Radio
on-the-air activities. Full-featured
logging with TNC, PacketCluster(tm), rig
control, beam headings, QSL labels, and
much more. Registration is only $25! Call
800-995-1605 to register.
LOGITH10.ZIP 194321 SWH001 General purpose logging program for the
casual ham operator
MB1606.ZIP 455701 SWH001 Mail Box V16.6 general release by W0RLI
MSYS116.ZIP 341704 SWH001 MSYS v1.16 packet radio BBS system
MSYSB116.ZIP 358634 SWH001 MSYS v1.16 small version (no network)
NEWS0122.ZIP 10118 SWH001 NewsLine #858 01/22/94 - Ham Radio News
comprehensive and uptodate
NEWS852.ZIP 8730 SWH001 NewsLine 12/10/93
Electronic edition- DEC 93 -Quarterly
Amateur Radio Newsletter of the NSRA based
north of Boston. Includes a revealing
report on the SuperCharger Alkaline
battery charger. Also a warning about the
dangers of Ni-Cad batteries. Novices to
get all of 220 band. List of local exams
and more!
OBS021.ZIP 6677 SWH001 Orbital Elements 01/21/94
OBS351.ZIP 4740 SWH001 Amsat Orbital Elements # 351 12/17/93
OBS358.ZIP 6096 SWH001 Orbital Elements 12/24/93
OPDX140.ZIP 4756 SWH001 Ohio-Pa Packet Cluster DX Bulletin 12/20/93
PCTRK30A.ZIP 283420 SWH001 PC-TRACK V 3.0 <ASP> Disk 1 of 2
Track 200 satellites at a time. 3D and
mercator projections. VGA graphics. Show
footprints, altitude lines, lines of
sight, space & ground points, solar
position. Predict visible passes. Compute
solar illum., doppler shift, phase,
position, rangerate. Import data from
PCTRK30B.ZIP 324561 SWH001 PC-TRACK V 3.0 <ASP> Disk 2 of 2
PG-AEA.ZIP 49531 SWH001 Satellite Comm program for
PTM529-1.ZIP 139664 SWH001 Packet Terminal Program 5.29, Main Program
PTM529-2.ZIP 32957 SWH001 Packet Terminal Program 5.29, Scandinavian
PTM529-3.ZIP 74811 SWH001 Packet Terminal Program 5.29, Languages
PTM529-4.ZIP 139537 SWH001 Packet Terminal Program 5.29, Scandinavian
PTM529-5.ZIP 178879 SWH001 Packet Terminal Program 5.29, European Docs
PTM529-6.ZIP 36018 SWH001 Packet Terminal Program 5.29, Accessories
RACES305.ZIP 2171 SWH001 RACES Bulletin # 305 12/20/93
RADIOTST.ZIP 49330 SWH001 Radio Operator preparatory tests.
RIGEQF20.ZIP 121163 SWH001 RIG-EQF V2.00 <ASP>
Kenwood Radio Control Program- Rig-EQF is
a control program that interfaces with all
computer-ready Kenwood rigs. A large
frequency display, memory management,
programmable scanning, and user-friendly
control over most radio functions. Call
800-995-1605 to register - just $20!
RNZI.ZIP 570 SWH001 Radio NewZealand SWBC Sked
RTDX1217.ZIP 3220 SWH001 RTTY DX Bulletin 12/17/93
R_AUSSIE.ZIP 3176 SWH001 Radio Australia SWBC Sked effec 12/19/93
R_MOSCOW.ZIP 4824 SWH001 Radio Moscow SWBC Sked 09/26/93 to 03/26/94
SCANDEC3.ZIP 215710 SWH001 Scantric Frequency & Information Guide. For
Dec 1993 over 20,000 listings.
SCDX2192.ZIP 7872 SWH001 Sweden Calling DX #2192 01/04/94 (HAM).
Designed to display 8 second BLACK & WHITE
slow scan pictures that you can copy off
the ham radio bands.
SL_941.ZIP 112290 SWH001 SATLOC.EXE, the *BEST* satellite dish
aiming program ever written. Both 8088 and
80x86 optimized code included. Updated to
01/ 01/ 94 including all the satellites
worldwide. Does not require a math
co-processor. The latest version is always
available at: The Data Dump BBS at
1-306-956-3383 Made available for upload
by the author.
SPC0117.ZIP 4975 SWH001 Space Bulletin 01/17/94 (HAM).
SPC1227.ZIP 4451 SWH001 SPACE Bulletin 12/27/93
SWL1293.ZIP 20976 SWH001 Speedx World of Utilities, short wave,
TFPCX210.ZIP 152516 SWH001 TFPCX 2.1 AX.25 Controller, BayCom Modem
TRAK300A.ZIP 235290 SWH001 TRAKSAT Version 3.00: Track and display any
satellite for which orbital data is
available. Used all over the world by
HAMS, Astronomers and weather satellite
trackers. Math coprocessor strongly
recommended. Now includes Multi-Satellite/
Station Tracking Feature. By: Paul E.
Traufler 111 Emerald Drive Harvest, AL
35749 USA.